Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Today, I'm going to write about Maple.
 This is not the maple i want to write.

Maple is a mathematics software program that involved Math and calculations. We are obliged to learn Maple as this program will help us in our work someday.

A snapshot of Maple

For the first week, we learn the Introduction of Maple. We are being taught on how to use Maple and how to write simple Mathematics equation using Maple. In maple, we cannot write the product expression as simply as 2 x 4. The product symbol (x) have to be replaced with the star symbol (*) and the semicolon symbol (;) is being used if we want to show the answer.

For the next class, things get harder as we, Biotech students did not know much about Mathematics or Calculus, and Dr Salihi keep asking us "This is Form 5 AddMath questions, don't tell me you have forget it." Unfortunately, many of us have forget it.

We learn how to solve inequalities, integration and function questions and how to derive a graph from the function. Well, it is not easy as it sounds because besides struggling to remember what we have learn back in Matriculation years, we have to remember many new things like the word "evalf" is used if we want to evaluate the answer and the word "solve" is used if we want, well, to solve the question.

Here are some words use in Maple and the definition of the words in the real life.

Word in Maple Definition
evalf evaluate the answer (to how many decimal points)
solve solve the question
proc procedures
restart clear Maple memory

You can learn more about Maple by clicking here and here.

If you wish to download Maple free trial, please click here.