Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chem Sketch

ACD Chem Sketch is a software that allowed us to draw any chemical structure including organic and inorganic, polymer and even laboratory apparatus. In Chem Sketch, we can choose to either use the "structure" or "draw". In "structure", we can draw many chemical structure like the one that have been said in post SMILES before. In "draw", we can draw many diagrams including DNA protein and even laboratory apparatus.

We can use Chem Sketch to draw energy diagram.

Example of orbitals

The best part of Chem Sketch; drawing laboratory apparatus

DNA strand can be draw too!

The beautiful lipid structure!

Chemsketch What we can do?
Draw Draw energy diagram, orbitals, laboratory apparatus.
Structure Draw chemical structure

Chem Sketch is really helpful to us!

Get to know more about Chem Sketch by clicking here.

Want a tutorial on how to draw chemical structure? Please click here.

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